
Back To School Self Care Routine

August! The summer is coming to an end, and the school year looms ever closer. I’m sure some kiddos have already gone back to school by now. It’s funny to me: we are YEARS removed from having a child in school, but August still brings out the “back to school” vibe for me. This is a self care blog. And some might wonder why I’m…

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Self Care For Your Birthday!

I definitely have BIRTHDAYS on my mind this month! So I figured it would be fun to talk about birthdays and why I consider celebrating your birthday an act of self care. Let’s talk about birthdays! Do you love them? Or hate them? Or are they just another day? I find that many people don’t really care to celebrate their birthday or even acknowledge that…

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Retreat in Savannah!

I haven’t had the opportunity to travel in a really long time. So when my business coach organized a Retreat in Savannah GA, I knew I wanted to go. Traveling for self care is something I’d love to more of. I just got back from that Retreat! Let me tell you: my cup is FULL! Twenty-five of my “business partners” from our coaching group attended…

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